Porc d’Or jury meets to evaluate the 120 farms nominated for the 2019 Porc d’Or awards

On July 12, the meeting of the jury of the 26th edition of the Porc d’Or Awards was held at the IRTA-Fruitcentre headquarters in Lleida. At this meeting, the 120 farms nominated for the 2019 Porc d’Or awards were analyzed and selected. The nominations are classified according to their size (10 to 200 sows, 201 to 500, 501 to 1,000, 1,001 to 2,000 and more than 2,001 sows) and by three technical indexes: piglets weaned per productive sow per year, farrowing rate and longevity. The members of the jury are: Raquel Quintanilla, Núria Alòs and Pedro López of the program of Genetics and Animal Improvement of the IRTA; Jesús Salas and Pablo Bernardos of the MAPA; Miguel Ángel Higuera of ANPROGAPOR, Quim Xifra and Montse Alamós of the DARP, Adoración Llorente of the ANPS; Jordi Baliellas of INTERPORC; Gerardo Blanco of the UdL; Mariví Falceto of UNIZAR; Antonio Palomo of the UCM, Vicente Rodriguez of the UCO; Abelardo Lopez of AGAVEPOR, Javier Abadias of ZOETIS and Carlos Piñeiro, consultant. The period analyzed was from 01/01/18 to 12/31/18.

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