Chats and Forums, polls and other interactive features
The portal may have sections of a public and participatory nature (forums, chats, surveys, etc.), understood as those that are accessible to all users in general, to interact. In certain cases, the conditions of participation are established and must be previously accepted, as well as the mandatory registration of the user in which case, in addition to the conditions of participation, the transfer of personal data must be accepted in order to comply with the policy and legislation on personal data protection.
In relation to the contents that the user decides to send for inclusion in these spaces, the following conditions of use and access are established:
1.- Responsibilities: IRTA is not responsible for the content of messages, information, opinions made by users and reserves the right to prevent access to illegal or illegitimate content or content that may prejudice legitimate rights of any kind or to remove or delete those that have been provided, especially in case of incompatibility of these conditions.
Intellectual Property: IRTA will have the right to reproduce, modify (by means of extracts, summaries, reviews), adapt and publish, including public communication, the contents, whether texts, photographs, graphics, etc., with the aim of promoting the section to which it has been submitted, as well as to use them in the activities and publications of the BDporc, in any format and support. The license is free of charge and is established for the period of time until it enters the public domain, as permitted at any given time by the Intellectual Property legislation in force. Users shall only submit content of which they are the original authors or have the rights of the owner, without prejudice to informing the URL of the owner or the right to link to such content.
3.- IRTA will not return any of the content transmitted nor does it acquire any obligation to reply to users.
4.- The personal data contained in the interactive functionalities and their contents cannot be used for benefits or uses that have not been expressly authorized by their owner. The user is responsible for the veracity of the data provided.
Users shall respect the opinions of other users or participants, and shall refrain from using offensive or defamatory, racist or violent language or language that violates the law.
6.- No commercial or unauthorized communications may be made.
It is necessary to warn that the personal data provided by users may be seen by any other user or participant. In the case of third party data, it is necessary to have their express consent.
8.- In the case of surveys, the user may participate anonymously, and IRTA is not responsible for the use that users may make of their results.