On November 21, we received the visit of the PORKCOLOMBIA Association to the facilities of the IRTA center in Lleida, where they were able to know and see the BDporc headquarters, where the data of the Colombian farms adhered to the BDporc Colombia, managed by IRTA, are received and analyzed. The committee consisted of the Vice-President of the Association, Dr. Sandra Patricia Martinez and by PORKS with Diamond 2017 award winner Juan David Roldán along with his wife. The commission attended the XXIV Porc d’Or Awards Gala held in Segovia and later, together with Diego Ricardo Rojas and Carlos Piñeiro of the company Pigchamp Pro Europa, spent a few days on an organized tour of Spain to learn about the pig production system, both for white and Iberian pigs. We appreciate your trip to Spain and the good initiative to meet and share experiences with our sector, which undoubtedly always adds up for both parties.