The Porc d’Or Ibérico jury meets at the MAPA headquarters to assess the 54 farms nominated for the Porc d’Or Ibérico 2022 awards

On May 27, 2022, the jury of the Porc d’Or Ibérico awards met at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAPA), in Madrid, to decide the nominated and awarded farms in this sixth edition. A total of 58,362 Iberian breeding sows from 71 farms throughout Spain, mainly from the regions of Extremadura, Castilla y León, Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha and Murcia, were analyzed to select the 54 nominations and, finally, the 27 awards. These farms were selected by the jury of the awards based on the regulatory criteria and the Porc d’Or award regulations, and taking into account the balance and evolution of the results, the constant reliability of the information analyzed, as well as different parameters related to health, animal welfare and the environment.

The members of the jury who have evaluated this information are outstanding personalities related to the pig farming field and with in-depth knowledge of this sector: from the General Subdirectorate of Livestock and Hunting Productions of the MAPA, José Luis Agüero, Deputy General Manager, Pablo Bernardos, Deputy Assistant General Manager, Jesús Salas, head of the swine area, and Ruth Morales, head of service; on behalf of the National Association of Swine Producers (Anprogapor), its director Miguel Ángel Higuera; by the National Association of Select Pig Breeders (ANPS) its secretary Adoración Llorente; on behalf of the National Association of Iberian Swine Veterinarians (ANVEPI) its president Anselmo Perea; on behalf of the University of Córdoba, Vicente Rodríguez, Professor of Animal Production; by Zoetis, Alberto Alvarezfood chain manager of the Pig Unit; on behalf of IRTA, Carles Rosellmanager of the Animal Production area, Raquel Quintanilla, responsible for the Animal Genetics and Improvement program, and Llibertat Tusell, researcher of the BDporc group; and the pig consultants Paco Peñalver, Jorge Gonzalez, Juan Luis Criado, Ricardo Garcia, Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Pedro Lopez.

The meeting was monitored and technically assisted by Nuria Alós, an IT specialist at BDporc, the database that supports the Porc d’Or Ibérico awards. BDporc is a service for the Spanish Iberian pork sector whose main objective is to have a reliable database that allows the analysis of the Iberian pork situation and provides reference information to pig production farms as an element to help in decision making.

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